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MIKE TRAMP, interview promo de l'album ''Stray From The Flock''

United Rock Nations
7037 vues
1) Your previous album " Maybe Tomorrow " worked very well. Did you have some pressure when you entered in studio to record the new album ?

2) "Stray From The Flock " it's a strange name for an album. What is the meaning of it ?

3) From the previous album only Morten Buchholz is still here. Except Claus and Kenny who played with you live, all the musicians are new, especially the 6 guitar players who worked on the new album. Why you did this choice ?

4) Let�s talk about some songs of the album :
a. We love a lot " You Ain�t Free Anymore ". Tell us more about that song (lyrics and music).
b. We love also " Best Days of My Life ". Tell us more about that song (lyrics and music).
c. " Dead End Ride" is a fantastic ballad that we love so much. Tell us more about that song (lyrics and music)

5) We know that you will begin a US tour in a few days and then you will comeback in Europe. What can we expect from those new shows ?

6) Any chances to have you in France ?

7) I have a personal question about your tatoos: ypu have one of Phil Lynnot and one of Bob Dylan. Why those artists ?