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MICHAEL MONROE, interview pour la promo de ''One Man Gang''

United Rock Nations
4083 vues
1) « One Man Gang » is about to be released in one month. How are your excpectations with this new album ?

2) It seems that the songs were recorded more than one year ago. Why it took so long to release them ?

3) The new songs are really catchy, in a punk rock style. Tell us more about the writing process of the new songs. Did you work alone or was it a collective songwriting process ?

4) Captain Sensible appear on the album on one song. How he was involved ?

5) What are the lain topics you talk about on the lyrics of the new songs ?

6) What is the meaning of the tittle of the album « One Man Gang » ?

7) We selected some songs we wanted to talk about :

a. We love a lot « Junk Planet ». Tell us more about that song (lyrics and songwriting)
b. « Heaven Is A Free State » is a different songs comparing to the others. We love a lot the chorus in a Rolling Stones style. Tell us more about that song ?

8) You will play one gig in France the 29th october in Paris. What can we expect from this show ?